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Modernization of the Spa Health Institute

The modernization of the Spa Health Institute has begun. The famous complex will be modernized. What does this mean for the patient?

Modernization works of the Spa Health Institute in Uzdrowisko Ustroń, owned by American Heart of Poland, have begun. The renovation will cover not only the existing buildings, but also involves the introduction of new technologies, the purchase of equipment, including modern medical equipment, and the improvement of infrastructure. As a result, patients will receive an even higher standard of treatment from the National Health Fund and, moreover, better conditions for employees.

Uzdrowisko Ustroń is a rehabilitation center and sanatorium famous throughout Europe. It owes its popularity, among other things, to the diverse offer of health services, its unique location in the heart of the Silesian Beskids, and its unconventional architecture.

– Modernization includes both construction works and the purchase of equipment, including modern medical equipment. There will be, among others, a primary health care clinic and five specialist clinics (neurological, gynecological, pulmonary diseases), a magnetic resonance imaging laboratory, and a cardiology clinic will also be expanded – says Agnieszka Zielińska, Project Manager of American Heart of Poland.

More beds in wards and modern medical equipment

Unused space of the UIZ building with an area of ​​over 1.2 thousand. m, within the investment will be allocated to the needs of stationary departments and treatment facilities. This will allow for increasing the number of beds in the cardiac, neurological and systemic rehabilitation departments and improving the operating conditions of the pulmonary rehabilitation department.

The treatment base will also be expanded: physical therapy, kinesitherapy, hydrotherapy, cryotherapy, lymphatic massage and balneotherapy laboratories, as well as diagnostic facilities of the facility.

– After the modernization is completed, patients will use comfortable, fully equipped single- and double-person rooms with access to bathrooms, and in separate isolation rooms and intensified cardiological supervision stations, in addition to new beds with anti-decubitus mattresses, there will also be new diagnostic and treatment equipment . The facility’s treatment base will also be equipped with modern equipment, explains Agnieszka Zielińska.

The Health Institute in Uzdrowisko Ustroń is a facility to which patients have access under the National Health Fund.

Analyzing statistical data, we can see that Uzdrowisko Ustroń maintains an average bed occupancy rate of 96% throughout the year, which proves the high demand for its services. The Health Institute in Uzdrowisko Ustroń is a facility to which patients have access under the National Health Fund. One of the points of our mission is to provide a high standard of services within the public health care system. The already modernized centers at UU are not inferior in terms of quality. The American Heart of Poland Group always focuses on high quality of services provided. The innovative solutions and improvements introduced respond to the needs of patients and are consistent with global health care trends, says Adam Szlachta, president of the American Heart of Poland Group.

Umowa na Generalne Wykonawstwo prac projektowych, budowlanych i instalacyjnych została podpisana z partnerem American Heart of Poland – firmą SKB LDR. Firma SKB LDR ma 34-ro letnie doświadczenia w budownictwie przemysłowym i obiektów służby zdrowia, a w szczególności szpitali. Na swoim koncie posiada remonty oraz przebudowy takich obiektów jak: Miejskie Centrum Medyczne im. dr Karola Jonschera w Łodzi, Szpital Pediatryczny im. dr J. Korczaka w Łodzi, Kutnowski Szpital Samorządowy oraz Szpital covidowy w Łodzi. Obecnie SKB prowadzi również przebudowę i modernizacje Szpitala Specjalistycznego w Brzezinach. Prace na obiekcie UIZ w Ustroniu wymagają od Generalnego Wykonawcy wyjątkowej koordynacji ze względu na historyczny charakter przedmiotowego obiektu.

. Remont przebiega z poszanowaniem beskidzkiej przyrody, dziedzictwa architektury modernistycznej oraz z myślą o podwyższeniu standardu leczenia i pobytów sanatoryjnych. Zakończenie przebudowy UIZ planowane jest na koniec 2025 roku, a jej najważniejszym efektem oczekiwanym przez pacjentów będzie podniesienie standardu oraz bezpieczeństwa prowadzonych terapii. W najbliższym czasie planowana jest również termomodernizacja budynku oraz modernizacja linii technologicznej kuchni borowinowej i solankowej.